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建筑师Rebecca Stuecker评估了如何满足三年级到六年级学生的学习需求, where space and traditional school supplies may be constrained.

By Rebecca Steucker


September 10, 2020

他们需要完成的工作通常是在传统的工作站上最舒适的, but they still need a high degree of play and physical activity. They can manipulate technology independently, 但是他们仍然需要大量的帮助来理解和完成他们的作业. I’m an architect and Accredited Learning Environment Planner, specializing in designing K-12 spaces, not a trained educator. In my work, I’ve been fortunate to observe, and work with, highly effective teachers in their learning environments, 并在下面的建议中列入了其中的一些意见.

Different people learn differently. Distance learning, 这里指的是学生在家学习,但继续接受他们所就读学校的课程和指导的情况, 提供了一个机会来定制每个环境,以满足学习者的独特需求. 这种机会在传统课堂中往往较少, posing challenges for students and instructors alike. While some students are able to focus best after outdoor exercise, others do their best work in the morning. Some kids prefer to work on the floor at a low surface, such as a coffee table, while others focus best at a desk and chair. Ergonomically, chairs should be adapted to accommodate the child’s size, ensuring their feet can touch the floor or a footrest, and allow for movement. 一个强有力的例子是VS Hokki凳子,它允许学生在适当的位置“摇摆”. Task lighting and acoustic control, such as noise-cancelling headphones, can help students focus in a distracting home environment.

对于我的双胞胎三年级学生,我发现移动技术是最有用的. 他们可以找一个舒适的地方阅读学校数字图书馆的选集, away from siblings or other distractions. Personal-sized markerboards, like the slate or wax tablets used by previous generations, 这是一种让学生早早和经常失败的奇妙的无常方式吗. 事实证明,挂在墙上的标记板对于并排帮助来说用处不大, though they do help to establish the feel of a classroom at home. 一个包含所有必要用品的桌面整理器可以帮助定义任何工作站的边界. In the pre-pandemic classroom, 这些储存空间和用品分布在整个教室. 在大流行期间运营的学校,这种性质的供应共享可能会受到限制. 作为一名设计师,我预测教室家具将回归内置储物柜.

我发现,孩子们完成任务的最大障碍,也是许多家庭最难解决的问题:始终如一的成年人在他们身边指导他们完成工作. At the end of the last school year, 我们家犯了一个错误,把孩子们的工作站放在大人的旁边。.  我们很快发现,我们低估了孩子们需要的并肩帮助的时间, 这样一来,父母双方都很难在集中精力完成工作任务的同时倾听孩子的声音. As a result, 我们发现,对每个人的生产力来说,最好的解决方案是重新安置孩子们的工作站. 我们把他们的“教室”搬到了厨房旁边,在那里我们可以轮流为他们提供支持. For this age group, 我们发现,最有成效的环境是孩子们可以轻松获得帮助的环境.

Rebecca Stuecker, AIA ALEP. 丽贝卡是一位富有创造力和敬业精神的建筑师和教育规划师,她为自己的工作带来了高水平的设计敏感性和技术技能. 她热衷于设计21世纪实用的教学环境.

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